Yes, every year I frequent the mall in Autumn, buying college gear, birthday presents for family members (the majority of which have Fall birthdays), and every year I am taken by surprise when I finally notice the decorations and holiday muzak. "It was here the last time you came in. And the time before that" I'm told. I suppose I onjly notice it when my frame of mind is right. That being said, and in the spirit of the holiday season (the true spirit, not that churchy nonsense) I now post,
Polio's Xmas List 2007
in no particular order
- A Bed - either full or queen size, at least 2' from the floor, and preferably containing the words "posture" and "pedic."
- Hef-stlye Bathrobe - classy where I can wear it out (with sailor hat and sunglasses) and warm and fuzzy for post-shower comfort
- Leather motorcylce jacket - it won't be until spring that I'll think again about buying the bike, but I sure want to look stylish in that jacket now. Zip-front, snap-collar, and real leather please. Size L
- Dark blue Denim Jacket - an American Classic, also Size L
- Jeans - size 34x32, variety of fits are fine, but avoid baggy/relaxed fit and superskinny/emo fit. When in doubt, go with regular fit boot-cut jeans from regular old brands. You know, like Diesel, Express, American Eagle, or Banana Republic.
- Pair of Headphones - I've been living with my iPod stock headphones and a pair of Sony wraparounds, but what I really need are some noise-cancelling big-honkin mofos that cover my entire ear and sound crystal clear.
- Birkenstocks taupe suede clogs. Size 10 1/2

- Candy
I'm so happy to see this list--not because I plan to get you any of the swag you listed, but because I've been cogitating on my own list but didn't want to say anything before wish list exchange season had officially opened.
Man! How can you stand department stores?!
Ugh, I LOVE department stores. And is it just me or is the only one here like Sears!?
Anyway, love the list. And you crack me up but that goes without saying. I think, if I can, I will get you something on there. Hopefully when I have time I will come up with my own christmas list!! LOVE.
goo- consider the doors flung wide.
rake- Sears has decent stuff, but Macy's has cuter employees.
something tells me you're going for the candy.
I spent to many years working as a department store slave to enjoy them now, although to tell the truth I didn't like them before that either. I'm a boutique shopper at heart.
goo- would you rather be a compulsive eBay-er?
Well, Polio, you can tip-toe through my closet of motorcycle jackets. I was saving them for Oyster, but I can see you need them more--and sooner. How do you feel about red suede with fringe? white with fringe? black suede sans fringe? cobalt blue suede? purple?
What do you mean you prefer the candy?
The two words I thought of when I saw that bed were "tinker" and "bell."
Darn if you haven't caught me with my shopping already done again! But I'll make notes for 2008.
jaz- wow.
chillax- that was the after picture from "Extreme Makeover: House of Dagromm Edition" I believe.
lit- shopping done mid-november? clearly a gene I did not inherit. hopefully that and pattern baldness are on the same chromosome.
Afraid not.
Okay, I was exagerating. I don't really have a purple leather jacket. However, I do wear the purple suede skirt with the blue suede jacket. And the red leather skirt goes well with the black jacket. So does the black one...Just let me know which one to box up. Jacket or skirt or combo.
I always thought Polio looked good in purple leather skirts...(sigh!)
lit- ...But seriously- Shopping is done in mid-november? A little too soon in my taste...
Polio- good going with the Diesel, American Eagle, Express, Banana Rebublic, etc...and I didn't know you were into the boot-fit, though I always liked that best...Anyway...
Rake- I like sears too...
Goo- what's wrong with department stores?
Chillax- you read my mind with the "Tinker" and "Bell"...somehow I would've gotten the hint- if I didn't know Polio- that he was a little delacate with the "posture-pedic-ness...
jaz- I'm sure Oyster would enjoy those leather clothes...
oh! and if we do decide to get Polio something on his list, make sure we communicate so we don't all get him eighteen leather jackets...and for goo, his candy...
Easel--I think Chill was considering getting him either a tinker or a belle. I think he was supposed to check with the woman in Polio's life to get some input.
You saw the episode of Cribs about Dagromm's house too?
I love it when he throws open the fridge and it's stocked top to bottom with Crystal...Lite
Cuz that's how we roll!
So, time is drawing near for Polio's 2008 Christmas list. Of course, we are still waiting to hear whether his 2007 list did him any good.
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Polio, happy birthday to you!
WOW! More than a year with no blogging from you. Seriously, dude, somethign soon, please.
Guess what!?!? (I'm unsure of proper punctuation here; a rarity.)
You've missed the timeline again. My Christmas shopping (2008) is complete again; however, this year the mailing will go to your parents' house. Maybe you'll get it; it's classic.
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