Friday, March 30, 2007

Time Management

Today is my day off, and I plan on having some fun. Here's my to-do list for today:

1. Pay Rent

2. Clean Car

3. Burn CD's for Anthony

4. Laundry

5. Go Shopping

6. Shower

7. Shave

I should point out that the Three-6 Mafia CD's lying around the house are the CD's in #3 - the one's I'm burning for a friend. They don't belong to me, they're his. I don't know anything about them, I swear!

It also occurs to me, only as I'm about to push "Publish," how interesting it is that "Shower" doesn't appear until #6, after I will have done all the things a shower would be useful for.

1 comment:

Nate said...

Hey, don't strain yourself.