Thursday, September 20, 2007


To Do:

1. Get a haircut - I keep telling myself to go get it cut, but things always get in the way. I was almost there yesterday, but I got a call right before my 2 hr break telling me it was now only <45>

2. Take passport photos - I've kinda been waiting for #1 first before doing this. I suppose I COULD take pictures looking like a yeti, but I'd like to avoid another botched photo shoot (speaking specifically about my driver's liscense, in which my 16 year old self sports an afro so large it leaves the frame).

3. Go to the drum shop and take a few lessons - I've got plenty of musical knowledge, and I can practically hear the metronome beating in my ear, and I thought it might be fun to take drum lessons. This way I can take a practice pad with me, and not lug a bigass horn around when I want to practice. Plus girls think drummers are sexy.

4. Enjoy my weekend with Bonita! - We both managed to avoid being scheduled this Fri/Sat, and plan on having a sleepover. We considered attending a party at my would-be house in Blo-No, but I've got better plans.

5. Call/Have long talk with Siblings - This really is number 1. I owe Easel a long phone call, but cannot make that call until the weekend. She can expect that tomorrow afternoon though.


jaz said...

Speaking of agendas, what's wrong with looking like a yeti? One of my best girls is a yeti. Feet are up to size 2 and she is only 4 foot tall!

And why are you posting that you are planning a sleep-over with Bonita? Have you not heard the concept of don't kiss and tell? Serves you right if she whops you one!! And with a floppy sock at that.

And, she may also be concerned that you are wanting to attract other females with the sexy drummer persona. You may get double-whopped for that one.

So--are you glad I joined the family? Chill says he read this post hours ago and is amazed no one has commented, yet. He left the room muttering that no one wanted to be the first, but he was sure I would be typing away in no time.

polio said...

why does nobody want to be the first to comment?

ok first of all, a sleepover implies nothing- as a matter of fact we have a night of cuddling planned!

secondly, the only person i want to be sexy for is her. if other ladies choose to see me that way, well who am i to stop them? but it's not my intent.

thirdly, yes, i am extremely happy about you joining the family! i've told the story to most of my friends, and the general agreement is that "it's the cutest thing ever."

I tend to get whopped for a great many things anyway, so the threat of floppy socks is an empty one.

jaz said...

I'm extremely glad I joined the clan, too--and not just so I could be the first to comment. And good for Bonita if she is keeping you in line! And of course the other girls find you sexy--that is why you don't need to take up a different instrument in order to attract them all (however, your other reasons were pretty good ones--actually, did you list more than one other?).

Goo said...

I can't wait to hear on Monday which of the things on the list you actually managed to find time for.

I'm hoping to manage a haircut, mani-pedi, some intense cooking, some even more intense napping, and maybe even a little shopping. Gracious! I'm tired already.

Jaz, eveybody's glad you joined the family. 'Nuff said.

jaz said...

Goo--hope you get to enjoy all your intense activities! This household will be joining the Brownie troop for the diabetes walk and attending a swimming birthday party. That nap sure sounds good to me. And we have mongo critters who are happy to join that activity!

polio said...

jaz- no, no other reasons. and there's not much risk of getting out of line, bonita cracks the whip.

goo- it's always a plus to have napping on the schedule. and agreed.

jaz- critters? eww

jaz said...

Hey, as long as the critters don't have critters, right? Chill tells me that the littlest and most fierce of the pack has staked her claim on me. Apparently she climbs on top after I fall asleep and defies any other cat to come near. Any brave souls take up the dare lose the ensuing struggle, which I think generally consists of rude talk and threats with only an occasional swipe of the claws.